Bruce Lee How to play? Attention !!! This page will show an error if it is not fully loaded, and it supports only IE4 & NN4 or up.

Bruce Lee has five short swords in his right hand.

Press the key " a " (attack) will shoot one sword out, and press the key " b " (back) to take it back before it returns automatically. This sword can shoot down both the flying Yinyang on the left and top. When shot, the relevant Yinyang falls.

Press the key " f " (fire) will shoot the other four swords out all at once. These four swords can only shoot down the Yinyang flying on the top. They'll be back automatically after shooting. The Yinyang will of course fall when shot.

You won the game once you shot down both Yinyangs. To start again, press the key " 1 " and " 2 " one after the other, the Yinyangs dropped at bottom will fly up again.

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Here I made a few pics of the Chinese characters
for the words " jeet kune do " . Feel free to download
them if think they might be used in your site.

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I programmed the JavaScript and made (re-processed) all the graphics specifically for this page. However, to support the spirit of freedom in Internet, you may feel free to use the JavaScript of this page. But I would expressly ask you NOT to use the same graphics from this page, to avoid similarities between your page and mine.

NEW !!! Recently, quite a few visitors ask me whether they can display exactly the same game in their sites. For my respect to the dragon, my answer is YES. I've made a special page here just for you to link. It keeps only the same game and one link to our site. But under one strict condition: the said link must be kept intact, and your page can not have any commercial or adult contents, otherwise you have to remove the game from your site :-((.

Last update: 06.2005
for the memory of the Dragon




